How To Read A Nutrition Label
Understanding how to read a nutrition label is essential to choosing foods that fuel and energize our body.
Use KIN's Cheat Sheet to guide you through the key points to watch for—feel free to practice with our worksheets!
Entender cómo leer una etiqueta de nutrición es esencial para elegir alimentos que nutran y den energía a nuestro cuerpo. Usa la hoja de referencia de KIN para guiarte a través de los puntos clave que debes observar. ¡No dudes en practicar con nuestras hojas de trabajo!

KIN's Cheat Sheet
STEP 1: Serving Size/Tamaño de Porción
STEP 2: Sodium/Sodio
STEP 3: Fiber/Fibra
STEP 4: Sugar/Azúcar
STEP 5: Protein/Proteína
Ingredients Tips!
Look at the ingredients list next to the Nutrition Facts label. If it's a long paragraph or has ingredients that you can't pronounce, look out! It is most likely not a heart-healthy choice.
Don’t be fooled by health claims on a package. Health claims such as “low-fat”, "all-natural", or "made with real ingredients" can distract you from its high sugar or sodium content.
Avoid foods with sugar listed in the first three ingredients. Look out for hidden added sugars with disguised names such as high-fructose corn syrup, agave nectar, brown rice syrup, honey, palm sugar, cane juice, molasses, maltose, and sucrose.
The best way to avoid being misled by product labels is to avoid processed foods altogether. After all, whole food doesn’t need an ingredient list! Learn More
Check the label, what do we see?
Five little things, as easy as can be!
Serving size tells us how much to eat,
Keep sodium low for a healthy heart beat.
Fiber’s great, because it helps us go,
Sugar's sweet, but keep the added ones low!
We want protein to make us grow,
Reading the label helps us know!
​Mira la etiqueta, ¿qué podemos ver?
Cinco cositas, fáciles de aprender.
El tamaño dice cuánto se debe comer,
Mantén bajo el sodio para el corazón mantener.
La fibra es genial, nos ayuda a ir,
El azúcar es dulce, pero el extra hay que medir.
Proteína lo queremos para crecer,
Leer la etiqueta nos hace saber.